Donors & Sponsors

Help us do even more: more access to the community, more programming, more classes, and more impact. Between now and the end of 2026, we’re raising $200,000 to support a broader, more sustainable vision. Gifts to the campaign are used for areas beyond general support. Help us honor our past and secure our future by making a one-time gift, or monthly commitment.
Give to the Arts
Do any of us go a day without enjoying the arts? We listen to music, watch interesting films, gaze at paintings on our walls, we create, we sing. The arts add joy, depth, meaning and perspective to our lives. Help us to keep the arts alive in Cambria by becoming a donor or a sponsor.
Your General support helps CCA:
- Keep the Center open to the public multiple days a week
- Pay operational costs of the Center such as monthly rent, insurance, utilities, facilities maintenance, technology, Point of Service system, etc.
- Get the word out about events and projects
- Support open houses and other activities
- Recognize our volunteers
- Cover instructor fees, rent and supplies for classes
Your General support also helps CCA with these specific programs:
- Visual arts, including exhibits in both our Studio and Gallery spaces
- Performing arts, including musicals, plays, and special concerts
- Film arts, including our annual international film festival
- Youth arts, always offered free to local students
- Adult learning, offered by a variety of local artists and artisans
When you make a donation, your support is used where it is most needed. But you always have the option to write in a designated area you wish to support.
Become a Sponsor
What is the difference between a donor and a sponsor?
While both include donating money, a sponsor helps underwrite a specific event. Generally, sponsors are also given specific recognition in the program or advertising and often other benefits like free tickets that may limit the amount of their gift that is tax deductible. Currently, the Center offers sponsor programs in these areas:
Friends of Cambria Center for the Arts
Honoring Donors of $100 or more.
Gifts in 2023 could be directed to:
overall Center C
Arts Education E
Film Arts F
Performing Arts P
Visual Arts V
Multiple letters below indicate separate gifts were made to the respective programs.
Thank you to our recent supporters!
Ginny Aitkens C
Tom Alexander C
James & Elaine Levin Anderson F
Barb Beane F
Walt Andrus & Loree Parral F
Oz Barron P
Ami Belli F
Connie Bensusen C
Patricia Berryhill P
Elizabeth Bettenhousen C
Tish and David Breda P
Shannon Brodigan E
Gean Bronson-Means C
Kathy Cooper V
Mike Coulsen C
Diane Dougherty C
Brian & Sheryll Ebbs F
Dennis Frahmann & Robert Tieman C F
Kathy Gillies P
Frieda Gordon P
Margaret Hearst C
Miguel & Odette Hernandez F
Audrey Killick F
Becky Kincaid C
Helmut & Dena Kuhn E
Mary Maher C
Judy Levine & Andy Pickar C
Mary Maher C
Mary Ann Maloof P
Joseph Marchini C
Tina Masiak & Chris Story F
Deborah McHenry F
Megg McNamee P
Moonstone Cellars E
Nancy Moure C V
John & Mary Nixon F
Perry Erez Persoff P
Janice Peters C
Terri Pilot C
Judith Pratt C F
Steven Rau C
Bruce Richardson C
Ted Siegler C F
Joe Sorenson C V
Judy Stokely C
Randy Stromsoe C
Lisa Tichenor P
Roberta Vitols E
Dixie Walker F
Greg Warren P
Art Watanabe C
Staging the Future
Recognizing the generous funders of major capital improvements to our Center
during its 2019-2024 improvement campaign
James & Elaine Levin Anderson
Nancy D. W. Moure
Lucas & Jennifer Pierce
The Estate of Natalie G. Sylvester
Cambria Community Council
The Estate of Katherine Kyes Starr
Ami Belli
Brian & Sheryll Ebbs
William & Diane Franciscovich
Barbara & Gordon Johnson
The Family of Stephen Kellogg