
Plein Air Painting Workshop with Karl Dempwolf

September 20, 2024 - September 22, 2024
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 9 am - 3 pm
Cambria Center for the Arts, 1350 Main Street, Cambria, CA

Beginner to Advanced painters are welcome to enjoy three days painting outdoors with accomplished painter Karl Dempwolf (9:00-3:00, with a lunch break). Karl enjoys teaching and encourages artists to try new things and let their paintings evolve. He hopes you will learn something you didn't know before and leave with a painting you are happy with. Karl's approach is to do a demo. Then, everyone will start painting and he will walk around and guide each person individually. 

The first day we will meet at the parking lot of Cambria Center for the Arts, 1350 Main Street, Cambria. We will get to know each other and caravan to the first painting location. At the end of each day we will decide where we want to paint the next day.


Karl has been a painter for 25 years and is a signature member of the California Art Club and LAPAPA. He currently exhibits in galleries in Carmel, Santa Barbara, and Newport Beach. For more information about Karl Dempwolf, visit https://netmonet.com

Fee: $440 for CCA members $395

Malibu painting now hanging at the Weisman Museum